"History is the interpretation of events, people, ideas, and their interaction over time. In order for students to understand the present and make plans for their future, they must understand the past." The K-12 Teaching Learning Center presents objectives of the state's social studies standards. "Academic Expectation 2.20: Students understand, analyze, and interpret historical events, conditions, trends, and issues to develop historical perspective. The study of history at this level includes U.S. History to Reconstruction and World History to 1500. The history of the United States is a chronicle of a diverse people and the nation they formed."
Kentucky Social Studies Standards 5.1 History is Interpretive: History is an account of human activities that is interpretive in nature.
SS-M-5.1.1 Different perspectives (e.g., gender, race,region, ethnic group, nationality, age, economic status, religion, politics) result in different interpretations of historical events.
SS-M-5.1.2 Primary sources, secondary sources,artifacts, and time lines are essential tools in the study and interpretation of history.
SS-M-5.1.3 History is a series of connected events shaped by multiple cause-and-effect relationships, tying the past to the present.
Kentucky Social Studies Standards 5.2 History of the United States:
SS-M-5.2.1 America's diverse society began with the "great convergence" of European, African, and Native American people beginning in the late 15th century.
SS-M-5.2.2 The ideals of equality and personal liberty (rise of individual rights, economic freedom, colonial governments, religious diversity, Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States), as developed during the colonial period, were motivations for the American Revolution and proved instrumental in forging a new nation.
SS-M-5.2.3 The growth of democracy and geographic expansion were significant in American history (e.g., Louisiana Purchase, Manifest Destiny, impact on Native Americans, early industrialization, early women's rights movement).
SS-M-5.2.4 Political, social, economic, and cultural differences (e.g., slavery, tariffs, industrialism vs. agrarianism, federal vs. states' rights) among sections of the U.S. resulted in the American Civil War.
Kentucky Social Studies Standards 5.3 World History:
SS-M-5.3.5 The Age of Exploration produced extensive contact among isolated cultures and brought about massive political, economic, and social changes.
Well done!
[url=http://wajyqejk.com/yfik/ixys.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://saszchhw.com/pshh/njfv.html]Cool site[/url]
Thank you!
http://wajyqejk.com/yfik/ixys.html | http://oqmchclp.com/wmyc/hlsb.html
You're welcome...previous posts show how IHIK may fulfill the 2006 proposed Combined Curriculum draft. Much of the credit goes to having worked in archives and understanding how museums, archives and special libraries use primary sources to fulfill state scholastic standards.
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